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Otherland Economy | Market | Currency | Stock Exchange


We have an open book policy on Otherland's economy. The total costs involved, such as hosting charges, functional online accounts, data lists, saving for new functionality, etc are divided by total bandwidth. Users and acolytes need to purchase or borrow ITC to access and utilize the systems functions. If users contribute to growing the system, they will be paid a commission in ITC as their work is run by the system or others.



The national currency is called ITC (International Trade Currency)
ITC is calculated by the total amount of paid for | Free Tier | running | potential / bandwidth | transfer | storage | complexity | data transfer rates | popularity | Legal Status. All the metrics are combined with differently weighted area modifiers to establish how many ITC are created for a particular time frame. Users are allocated bonuses and loans to cover their usage. Advertisements / Affiliate Links / Product Placements create a revenue stream that covers the systems costs and plans ahead for growth of the network from servers to 3rd party interactive integration accounts for new features. When someone uses the system and part of that usage contains data developed by other than our network the profit margin is calculated inherently depending on the over systems budget. Projections, risks, growth, direction of the ship. Part of that profit is laid out to direct positions in the pasts history and then a portion is selected for downline allocation. The payment level amounts are a simple curve from highest at the top to lowest at the bottom. The curve actually continues to collect from any level down because it is dynamically generated. Even though hundreds of levels down only generate tiny percentages, the width of your tree means no matter how tiny the amounts are on huge mlm systems they add up. There are no rules or stipulations for being active in the system but the ability to and amount you request cashing in your accounts of ITC, depend on overall system cash flow. Any loans carry a small percentage of interest, you can also utilise most of any regular countries stock markets, economic services, government and public banking companies. Their is also factors such as insurance, downtimes, number of end users, number of paying clients, legal intersections, inter-govt. company, user messages, notices, events. Legal precedents by systems processes and directional manoeuvring. Direct objectives for adding legal and productive abilities, leaving historic trails, snow balling into a real world objective achievement. Total available computing time in every vector creates a potential total that gets used by clients access amounts, they get lent the amount or they purchase credits. In actual fact the total credits in the networks reserve bank is borrowed from its future business activity the total balances at the level where if every bandwidth is used up then the reserve bank has recovered the amount loaned from futures. Because the users will have borrowed or earned enough to cover their usage, and when everyone pays up then the bank has covered its loans and it has made some profit as well. Eventually the reserve banks cash flow will be an asset portfolio in the black and allowing currency transfers including cashing in your ITC for local currency. Some of the systems functionality requires paying for a service they render to us, such as a project deposit or completion bonus. If they are just working on system problems and features getting renumerated when their work is utilised by our network and others, the amount of ITC from the reserve bank must be calculated taking into account money flowing to clients from their work and not ours. The total amount of storage has also grown. When people use the site in a normal manor with out directly pushing the system such as comments or a like button, we are gathering timing relative to content. This builds the total system even when they are jut poking around. Saying you don't collect user data is inconsequential pertaining Otherland. We have no views on the merit of your activity and when server time is available parts of if not all the systems data is encrypted. In fact we plan to offer users surveys and phycological, brain mapping, IQ tests. We hope that such detailed knowledge of users will help facilitate new research documents created and assets like patents. If such an occurrence happens the users indicated in the research will receive a percentage of earnings. In fact our overall religious, economical, political, system security and residencial policies are that every possible plan and metric from timing servers as they function, allocating every user positive and negative computer time flows profits, calculating future figures, deciding on future endeavours from previous success to failures but also taking in other peoples views through direct messages and from thigs like polls and voting. People carry a certain weighting adjustment value when they add their vote for a future decision. The adjustment weighting is relative according to their level of system improvements and also some other metrics such as higher scores in the IQ like tests. Possibly you could take into account monetary value of system assets purchased. Basically if their is a scientific proof for making a particular decision or using some methodology over another in a process somewhere, then it has to be done. Polit bureau membership gives you a greater vote than others also someone from the polit bureau can veto a standard vote/poll saying the matter is more of an importance than usual and has to be reviewed and decided on by the the levels of professional government in the Polit bureau, we they can all meet and decide the matter becomes law.
==== Stock Exchange ====
Different functional parts of the total system and also companies aligned with Otherland are statistically rated against the ITC usage, allocation, reimbursement, loans and saving targets. Statistics are generated real time with slight adjustments to stock prices constant and also news regarding / impacting that part of the network are also influences. Any of the networks tangable assets such as crypto currencies stock portfolios containing foreign assets, are all leveraged against ITC.
Otherland National Companies
100% Business Agreements

micro-nation-economy.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/13 19:04 by

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